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Juice - Watermelon Passion 350ml

Juice - Watermelon Passion 350ml

Regular price $5.60
Regular price Sale price $5.60
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Contains our body alkalizing fruits.  Effectively reducing the risk of developing disease caused by high acid diet (meat, eggs, diary). 

A natural diuretic watermelon helps to detox and eliminate. Also gives kidneys extra support and doesn’t strain them unlike alcohol and caffeine.  Being rich in potassium it helps to retain calcium in the body resulting in strong bones and joints. 

We use only the very best watermelon.  Locally grown, fertilizer free, long seeded watermelon grown the way they should be, full of nature’s molecular nutrients.  Being high in vitamin C, strawberries provide extra protection in wound healing and reverts cell damage.  Our splash of Granny Smith apple juice gives it just that extra bit of flavour.

Colour - mid red, Taste - sweet mild-watermelon/strawberry, Grown - locally, Zero waste.

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